Chapter 13 is also known as a reorganization or consolidation bankruptcy, because your debts are reorganized into a payment plan over 3 to 5 years. At the completion of the Chapter 13 plan, your debts will be discharged, much like in the Chapter 7.
People with problems with secured debt are frequently better off filing a Chapter 13 case than a Chapter 7 case because the Chapter 13 will allow the debtor to pay off the past-due secured debt over time. Chapter 13 allows you to stop the foreclosure of your home or repossession of your car and get caught up on the past-due payments over a period of years, rather than all at once. Once your Chapter 13 case has been filed your future mortgage and vehicle payments will be made through your Chapter 13 case plan along with the past due payments.
In Chapter 13, the automatic stay also protects people other than the debtor who are “co-debtors.” Co-debtors are people who also have an obligation to pay the same debt as the debtor. That includes people who have guaranteed or co-signed the debt for the debtor.
Certain debts that would not be dischargeable in a Chapter 7 might be handled in a Chapter 13. We will advise you on whether Chapter 13 would be appropriate for you, depending on your income, assets, and type of debts.