Despite the growing popularity of debit cards, many consumer groups recommend limiting their use — or not using them at all — because they may not have the same liability protections as credit cards, the Wall Street Journal reported. "More and more consumers are using debit cards over cash and checks because it is convenient," says Nancy Krattli, vice president of consumer debit products at Visa International’s Visa USA. In 2006, she says, $459 billion was spent on Visa consumer debit cards, 11.9 percent more than in 2005. The cards are particularly popular with people aged 18 to 25; an April poll from Visa found that 76 percent of this age group "never leaves home without a payment card, and one-third rarely carries cash." With a debit card, the liability varies. The loss could be limited to $50 if a cardholder notifies the financial institution within two business days after learning of the loss or the theft of the card or PIN number. Beyond the 48 hours, the cardholder could lose as much as $500. The loss could be even higher if the cardholder doesn’t report it within 60 days after receiving a financial statement listing the fraudulent transactions.